Did you know that Holt offers free adoption finance coaching to every family who adopts through Holt?
Through this service, you can build a one-on-one partnership with a professional coach who will provide guidance and direction throughout your process. Your coach can help you determine which grant organizations you are eligible to apply for, review your applications and even advocate for you with grant organizations — increasing your odds of being awarded a grant. Your coach can also provide fundraising advice and help you identify other benefits you may qualify for such as the Adoption Tax Credit or employer assistance. Finance coaches have insider knowledge and experience that will give you a significant advantage.
Finance coaches have insider knowledge
and experience that will give you a
significant advantage.
So, why sign up with a finance coach now? Even if you’re just beginning the adoption process, talking to a coach and asking questions early can help you prepare for what’s to come. The cost of adoption can feel overwhelming at the start, and coaches will help you break it down and make a funding plan that feels more manageable. Also, finance coaching through Your Adoption Finance Coach is fully covered for Holt families — coaches will never pressure or try to upsell you into buying more services.
All services are provided through Your Adoption Finance Coach, a program founded by Kelly Ellison. Kelly is an adoptive parent with over 25 years of experience in the nonprofit sector. She is passionate about helping prospective families reach their financial goals and ensuring they feel supported and encouraged along the way.
“I want people to know that there’s a path, that there is support, that there are resources out there for families that have a heart for intercountry adoption — and that we do understand what you’re going through,” she says. “We’ve been there. All of my coaches have been touched by adoption.”
“I want people to know that there’s a path, that there is support, that there are resources out there for families that have a heart for intercountry adoption — and that we do understand what you’re going through.”
In her years of experience helping families fund their adoptions, Kelly also says it’s very rare that her coaches have not been able to help a family fulfill their dream of adopting a child. “We’ll turn over every box, turn it on its ear, to help a family bring a child home.”
For questions or to schedule a call with a coach, email [email protected]!

Need help funding your adoption?
Families adopting through Holt receive free, professional guidance and support from a one-on-one finance coach throughout their adoption process. Even if you’re just considering adoption, email us to set up your first consultation today!