A few months ago, we shared with you the story of Thak Kan and his family in Cambodia.
Eleven-year-old Thak Kan and his family had trouble sleeping every time it rained where they live in rural Cambodia. The roof would leak. The house would flood in heavy rain. But what worried them the most were the poisonous snakes and scorpions that crawled through the holes in the walls of their house seeking dry shelter. Thak slept on the ground with his parents and three younger siblings. And he was scared of snake bites.

Thak Kan’s family was one of the poorest families in their village in rural Cambodia. They could hardly afford food, much less the materials to build a safer house. But when, on Giving Tuesday, we asked you to help build new safe homes for families living in dangerous conditions, you responded with overwhelming kindness and generosity.
You helped provide home repairs and new houses for some of the most vulnerable families living in some of the worst conditions — including for Thak Kan and his family!

Thak Kan’s previous house was haphazardly patched together with wood and scrap metal. It had cracks in the stone foundation, and holes that let in rain, wind and insects. The new house you helped build is secure and stable, with a solid cement floor and bright blue walls that protect them from the dangers lurking outside. You also helped build a new outdoor toilet for the family, replacing the very dangerous and unsanitary outhouse that they had before.
You and donors like you did so much to provide safety and security for this vulnerable family. But through your generous gift, you did even more!

Before you stepped up to help, Thak Kan’s parents struggled to provide enough food, school materials and other basic needs for their children. His mom got up in the middle of the night to make cakes to sell in the market, and she was often sick because she got so little sleep. His dad worked doing whatever odd jobs he could find. But they never earned enough to meet their family’s needs.

Through your gift, you provided a cart so that Thak Kan’s mom could easily transport cakes to the market. She now gets more rest and is in better health because she doesn’t have to walk the long distance to the marketplace. Your support also made it possible for a Holt social worker to develop a plan to help Thak Kan’s family generate more income! Soon, they will begin raising chickens and selling groceries out of their home.
Thank you for your generous and very heartfelt gift on Giving Tuesday to help provide safety and so much more to Thak Kan and his family. You completely changed their lives.

Give a Gift of Hope
Give a lifesaving or life-changing tangible gift to a child or family in need. And this holiday season, give in honor of a loved one and they’ll receive a free card!