Twelve-year-old Ammon, an adoptee from China, shares what inspires him to send gifts to children in the orphanage where he lived before joining his adoptive family in the U.S.
Hi, I am Ammon. I am 12 years old. I was adopted from China when I was 5. My social welfare institute (SWI), or orphanage, was small, with about 50 other kids. I was one of the first kids from my SWI to be internationally adopted. Holt asked me if I would like to give an interview and I said, yes! I have been working with Holt for a few years to help my SWI. It is small and needs help. Most SWIs do not have enough money to do all they need to. Whether it is food or surgeries, school or clothes. I want to help the kids who do not have families to help them. I also would like to help the workers to make sure they have what they need. My family has taught us how to think about others. To follow Jesus’ example by helping, not just praying but doing something. Growing up in the SWI and in my family, I know the kids in China are missing some things they need.
Every year our family does humanitarian aid projects and picks good organizations to help.

When I was 6, my family let me pick some of the kids we wanted to help with Love Without Boundaries, an organization that provides medical care, nutrition and more for orphaned and impoverished children around the world. I liked being able to help other kids in China, and it was neat to see the before and after pictures from their surgeries. But I felt sad about the kids in my old SWI. It made me sad for a while. I worried a lot about them. So I asked my mama if we could help them.
It makes me really happy to help the kids I used to know. It makes me happy to know that the help we give them is something they really need. It makes me happy that Holt has helped us make it happen. I love receiving updates and knowing that I can help other kids. I am grateful there are SWIs to help kids find families. If we can make life better for them while they are waiting — that makes me happy and I think it makes them happier too. I cannot do it by myself, so maybe you can help too?
It makes me really happy to help the kids I used to know. It makes me happy to know that the help we give them is something they really need. It makes me happy that Holt has helped us make it happen.
When you are in a SWI, waiting is hard. If you do not have what you need, it is even harder. We can make them happier while they wait. We can make sure they are healthy because they have good food. Or warm because they have good clothes. Or can go outside if they have shoes that fit. Or if they need a doctor or medicine, so they can feel better. I lost most of my hearing because of an infection; I know how important medicine can be.
Holt asked me what I would say to people who are thinking about giving a gift to children living in an orphanage in China? I would say, please do it! All children are important. If you cannot adopt, you can still help. You can buy medicine so a kid doesn’t suffer, you can make sure they have food to eat, clothes to wear, diapers or formula. You can help so that the SWI can afford to submit kids’ files for adoption. Anything you give helps make their lives better. When I am saving money, I think about what I want versus what that money can do for the kids waiting. Helping someone is better than a toy or going out to eat or an extra vacation. Sacrificing a little makes a huge difference to the kids that are waiting. There are so many kids that need help, can you help too?
Ammon | Holt Adoptee

Help Children & Families in China
In China, many children are living in poverty and don’t have the resources needed to support their education. And children living in orphanages with special needs don’t have the specialized medical care they need. Your gift will help a child or family in China in greatest need.