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Tommy Needs an Adoptive Family!

Five-year-old Tommy is a gentle and sweet boy waiting for a permanent and loving adoptive family!

Tommy has a good relationship with his caregivers, who say he is kind and obedient. Although he is quiet and speaks softly, he is very affectionate with people he knows and enjoys hugs and cuddles.

Tommy has some developmental delays in comparison to his peers and is small in size for his age. He is very active and can walk and run for short distances, and he is very interested in exploring the world around him! In 2020, Tommy started kindergarten, where he is developing his motor, language and social skills. His caregivers say he enjoys school and is excited to go each day! Tommy likes to color and play with cars or on the playground with friends from school.

The ideal family for Tommy will have access to excellent physical therapy, early intervention services and educational resources. Tommy’s family should also be able to give him all the love and care he so needs and deserves.

Learn more about Tommy!

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