Meet Sabrina! Sabrina is almost two years old, she is social, cheerful and she has a stuffed elephant she loves to snuggle for comfort.
Sabrina’s caregivers describe her as a friendly, happy child with a tender heart. Sabrina loves playing with bubbles and listening to music. Her caregivers say she enjoys spending time with familiar adults and other children. She likes to be part of the action – she enjoys being part of conversations, being spoken to and being sung to. Sabrina needs a family with a lot of patience and love!
Sabrina lives in a group home with four caregivers and three other toddlers that she spends a great deal of time with. She is especially attached to her primary caregiver, and she is also exposed to English at home.
Sabrina can roll, sit and pull herself forward to crawl. She is beginning to stand against furniture and can hold her own bottle. She enjoys mimicking the behaviors and sounds of adults.
Sabrina had some complications at birth that required her to stay in the hospital for an extended period. Sabrina has regular occupational and physical therapy and medical checkups. Reports say she has made progress since her placement in the foster home. Her caregivers say she is fierce and determined!
The ideal adoptive family for Sabrina will have access to excellent pediatric neurological physicians to help her continue to reach her potential. They should also have access to resources like occupational and physical therapy. The ideal adoptive family for Sabrina will also have access to excellent educational resources to aid in her development.
Want to learn more about Sabrina? Email our waiting child team at [email protected]! Her face is covered here due to country restrictions on privacy, but our staff have more photos and videos to share.

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