AubreyMae has grown in our hearts for many, many years.
Anticipating becoming parents, we were aware how much we would be learning… What we didn’t expect was how much we would learn about ourselves and the beauty adoption holds. Sure, the paperwork and fundraising were time-consuming and waiting to hold her tested our patience tremendously. But we constantly reminded ourselves that as parents, you do everything possible for your child. We also constantly reminded ourselves about what she was going through.
We had to stay strong for our little one. We knew how brave and scared and lost and hopeful she would be when we would meet her for the first time. We held on to that and fought every day, prayed every day for our daughter. We met amazing people with true compassion for others and felt God’s grace through His work, using those around us. All our hearts were healed through adoption. Our little one’s heart has been through so much, and yet she lights up the room with her giggles and joy.
We are truly grateful for the staff at Holt. With the timeline and tedious paperwork, we had tremendous support that allowed us to focus on our daughter … Without them, we feel strongly the days would have felt longer, the travel would have been scarier, and our family would never be complete.
Not only are we parents to our beautiful daughter, but we are forever changed due to the beautiful journey adoption holds.
Every day, she chooses to trust and love us more and more. She is brave, she is chosen, and she is SO, SOOOO LOVED!
Jessica Burmeister | Adoptive Mom

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We work with families in all 50 states to find loving homes for children from 11 locations around the world!
Beautiful story. Brings back many memories when our daughter arrived from s.korea at age 4. She is now 47 with 3 wonderful children. We have been very blessed!