Recent program updates from Holt-supported family strengthening and orphan care programs around the world!
Holt Cambodia worked with the Cambodian government in the city of Battambang to conduct a training on family-based alternative care for government staff and NGO partners in the region like Cambodian Children Trust, Children Future International and Save the Children.
Our local partner La Casa’s reunification program worked with parents to help families establish strong boundaries in their home. These families also received assistance scheduling medical appointments and help with other important aspects of the family reintegration process.
Holt Ethiopia supported a weeklong training for nurses, midwives and health workers focusing on essential newborn intensive care services, delivery services and emergency treatment. Certified professionals from specialized hospitals facilitated the training.
The Bigarousse school library project is raising awareness to inform the community that the library is open on Saturdays for all children to enjoy. After only two months since its launch, teachers are reporting a positive impact on students, including greater interest in reading and improved speech and language skills!
A significant recent event at our local partner BSSK was a career session dedicated to 8th and 9th grade children. This session provided clarity on various professions and helped students make informed decisions about how to pursue their desired careers. This event aimed to inspire and guide these young minds towards a future they are passionate about!

BSSK also recently held a Christmas party for families in their programs.

During December, our programs in the Philippines had Christmas parties and activities. Children and families got to participate in the festivities, whether it was children and families in foster care, family strengthening programs or the Independent Living and Educational Assistance (ILEA) program supporting teens. Everyone enjoyed fun games, gift-giving and food prepared for the celebration.

Children and families in our programs in Thailand enjoyed recent New Year’s celebrations. The festivities were well-attended, including children, parents, community members and volunteers. These event attracted 201 participants in the city of Bangkok and 538 participants in the city of Nakhon. Everyone got to participate in family bonding activities, games and a gift raffle for children! Families received rice, dry foods and other essential supplies as New Year’s presents. In addition, each foster family received a gift of one new electric rice cooker and 5 kg (11 pounds!) of rice.

In Uganda, our team conducted Child Health Days for 81,968 children in rural communities without access to medical care. A team of 24 health workers and 75 village health teams administered Vitamin A and deworming tablets to children. They also provided malaria treatment, health education and treatment of common illnesses.
In Vietnam, Holt’s child nutrition program runs regular activities for health checks and to provide vitamins and supplements. The most recent program reached 354 children with anemia screenings and follow-up, as well as iron supplements and vitamins for children at daycare facilities. Holt Vietnam also held a three-day training workshop for 21 caregivers from 19 facilities on feeding skills, occupational therapy and nutrition knowledge!

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At Holt International, we help children thrive in the love and stability of a family. But our services extend far beyond the adoption work we are known for.