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Brothers laughing in park

Mac and Jon Need an Adoptive Family!

Mac and Jon are both ready for a permanent, loving family! Could you or someone you know be the right fit for this sibling duo?  

Mac and Jon share a strong sibling bond, and want very much to be adopted together. They have fun dispositions and lots of energy! When we visited a few months ago they gave us a tour of their care center, naming each child who stayed there and showing us the vegetables the children are growing in the garden.  

Mac’s caregivers say he is sociable and talkative, when he feels secure. He is creative and curious, willing to work hard to master a skill. He also enjoys collaborating with others! He loves to play soccer and draw.  

Jon’s caregivers say he is gentle and cheerful. He enjoys talking to other people and connecting with them, and he derives a great deal of confidence from having positive social interactions. Jon is also creative and loves drawing and painting.  

Mac and Jon came to their current care center with a history of very irregular schooling and sensitive backgrounds. They have been enrolled in school full-time since 2021, and everyone is impressed at how quickly they have been catching up and making progress.  

The ideal adoptive family for Mac and Jon will have access to Spanish language and support services and excellent health insurance for medical, therapeutic and educational services. They will also be ready to take on the challenges and joys of sibling adoption. We believe these boys will thrive in an environment that is predictable, secure and loving! 

Could you or someone you know be a good fit for Mac and Jon? If so, email us at [email protected]! Their faces are hidden here due to country restrictions on privacy, but we have recent photos and updates about them. Our staff also recently visited Mac and Jon in-person and would love to share their impressions with a prospective family! 

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