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Girl in pink shirt holds up a peace sign

This is Devin! She needs a loving, permanent family. Could you be the right fit for this nine year old sweetheart?

Holt social workers have met Devin in person, on an assessment trip to her country. When they first met Devin, she was very shy and kept to herself. But eventually, with the help of her best friend and her caregivers, she opened up towards the end of their time and became friendly and engaging. She eventually started having fun throwing and catching a beach ball with her friend. The two of them looked like they were having fun, laughing and running around the room.

Devin’s caregivers describe her as an outgoing and playful child. She is extroverted, talkative, and confident among her friends. She just tends to be shy and quiet around unfamiliar people and situations. Devin is generally a happy child! She is creative and some of her favorite activities include coloring and art. She can often be found watching princess cartoons. Devin also enjoys helping her teacher at school with various tasks like keeping the class quiet.

Devin understands adoption and hopes to have an adoptive family of her own one day. An ideal adoptive family for Devin will be an experienced adoptive family who has parented past her age. They should understand institutionalization and utilize TBRI® techniques, like connection before correction. Devin needs a family who can be flexible and open to unknowns in her development. Devin will also need educational support post-placement. With the right love and encouragement, Devin is expected to thrive!

Devin’s face is covered here due to country restrictions on privacy, but our social workers have met her in person and would love to share photos, videos and their impressions of her with prospective adoptive families! To learn more about Devin, email us at [email protected].

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