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Adoptees and Holt board members and staff at Holt headquarters

Adoptee-Led Organizations Provide Connection and Support

Adoptee-led organizations serve as invaluable resources that provide support, connection and understanding to our community. This month, we highlight three organizations putting this work into action. We hope adoptees can look to them to create a foundation for their needs and interests.

Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network (KAAN)

KAAN’s mission “is to improve the lives of Korean-born adoptees by connecting the community and providing opportunities for dialogue, education and support.” They offer an annual conference that travels to cities around the U.S. with a variety of speakers, online events and a newsletter. This organization holds space for all members of the adoption community, including adoptive families, birth families and spouses. KAAN makes efforts to keep a social media presence. Visit to learn more!

Adoption Mosaic

Adoption Mosaic believes “that we all deserve a healthy, lifelong adoption experience regardless of our position in the adoption constellation or the resources we have.” They provide opportunities and spaces for the adoption constellation and community to feel “valued, heard, understood and accepted as a full member of society, their family and community.” They offer a monthly adoptee-only panel on a variety of topics, as well as adoptive parenting courses and consultations. Visit to learn more!

Adoptee Mentoring Society

Founded in 2022, the Adoptee Mentoring Society “exists to validate, affirm and center adoptees through compassionate virtual mentorship from those with lived adoptee experience.” They offer both one-on-one mentorship and an adoptee lounge that allows for group interactions. All meetings are conducted virtually and are offered for youth adoptees, young adult adoptees, and adult adoptees ages 23 and older. Visit to learn more!

woman smiling

Did you know Holt provides support to all adoptees?

Every adoptee has a unique and complex life experience. Holt strives to support all adoptees, regardless of their placing agency, by providing help with birth search, citizenship and more.

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