Winter was on its way in Mongolia, and so was this family’s new baby. But now they have a new ger to keep them warm through the frigid winter.
When Holt Mongolia staff met this family in August, they were immediately worried for them. The mother, father and two children lived on the edge of Mongolia’s largest garbage dump. Their home was made of thin scrap wood and cardboard that they had found amongst the garbage.
Mongolia gets frigidly cold in the wintertime, with temperatures plummeting down to -40 degrees. Their home had zero insulation, and no way of keeping them warm. Winter was quickly approaching, and their lives were at stake… and they were expecting a new baby in November. Then thankfully, someone came to their rescue.

The thin, drafty shack on the left is where this family used to live. But now they have a safe and warm new home built just next to it!
Compassionate donors — people with big hearts like yours — heard about this family. And they immediately, generously decided to give them a new home.
Right away, Holt Mongolia staff began building this family a ger. A ger is a traditional, circular Mongolian home. It has a stove in the middle and thick insulated walls. And it only takes one day to build!

In just one day, this family’s life changed forever. They knew their children, including their newborn, would make it through the winter.
“This family works hard to provide for their children,” says Paul Kim, Holt’s Mongolia program director. “But a warm and safe home was beyond their means. Now, they are so grateful. It meant so much to them to know that their children would be sheltered and warm.”

Keep a Child Warm
You can help keep a child warm and healthy this winter! Just $52 provides a child with a much-needed warm coat and blanket.