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5 Things to Know About Adopting a Child With Down Syndrome

Have you considered adopting a child with Down syndrome? Learn more about this common special need among kids who are waiting for a family.

Most children with Down syndrome grow up to live long, happy lives — and many will hold jobs, live alone, marry and enjoy all the same things in life as any other person.

Children with Down syndrome tend to thrive in loving homes that help them access inclusive education, ongoing medical care, early intervention therapies and a community of accepting, positive friends and role models.

Some health conditions associated with Down syndrome include heart issues, sleep apnea and increased risk of seizures. In the U.S., life expectancy has increased dramatically for people with Down syndrome to about 60.

Some children with Down syndrome will become fully independent adults and some will need lifelong support. Most children experience mild to moderate learning or cognitive delays. All kids are unique, and will have different strengths, talents and characteristics.

Nearly every city in the United States has parent support groups, community organizations and specialized services for children and adults with Down syndrome and their families.

Many children with Down syndrome are waiting for the chance to be part of a family. Visit Holt’s waiting child photolisting  to read about children with Down syndrome in China, Colombia and SE Asia who are waiting right now! Could you or someone you know be the right family for one of these children?

Holt adoption grants are now available to help eligible children with special needs join the loving, permanent families they deserve. Learn more about the grants and Holt’s Families Not Finances campaign here.

adoptive mother and father holding daughters adopted from China

Children with special needs are waiting for families!

Meet some of the children waiting for loving adoptive families. Could you be the right family for one of these children?

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