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Boy wearing blue shirt smiling in wheelchair

Urgent: Tomi Still Needs an Adoptive Family!

Ten-year-old Tomi needs an adoptive family! His caregiver says he is a courageous boy, full of joy and delight. Could you or someone you know be the right family for Tomi?

Tomi is very social and loves spending time with others! He is eager to get involved with fun activities at his care center. Some of his favorite things to do are swimming, blowing bubbles and playing with balloons. His caregiver says he is a faithful friend and cheerful companion to the other children at his center. “Everybody loves Tomi, he is pure joy!” his caregivers say. He has many friends who love to play with him, and he is happy, clever, engaging and loves attention and interaction.

Tomi is said to be very self-aware and good at communicating with others. Tomi does not speak and recently began using a computer using eye-gaze control technology to talk to his friends and caregivers, and now he is communicating adeptly with it!

Tomi has involved special needs, including cerebral palsy, and will need lifelong support from a loving and caring family. Tomi needs an adoptive family with access to excellent medical and therapeutic resources. Social workers recommend that the adoptive family have a wheelchair-accessible house and have good access to a children’s hospital.

Could you or someone you know be the right family for Tomi? If so, email us at [email protected], we would love to tell you all about him!

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