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Adoptive dad and son adopted from Colombia at sunset on the beach.

Are you considering adopting a child from Colombia? Learn what makes the Colombia adoption program unique and whether it’s the right path for your family!

Colombia adoption may be the program for you if you…

Want to experience caring for an older child before adopting

Many families are introduced to the idea of adopting from Colombia through the country’s hosting program. The hosting program is a unique way to advocate for older children and sibling groups (between the ages of 10-15+) who are waiting for an adoptive family in Colombia. The children travel to the U.S., accompanied by trained chaperones, to become immersed in an American family for 5 weeks in the summer (or 3 weeks in the winter). This unique visit provides host children a glimpse of what being adopted by a family in the U.S. could be like for them.

The Colombia hosting program is facilitated through Holt and the organization Kidsave in conjunction with the Colombian adoption authorities. During their stay, children often have the opportunity to interact with many prospective families — not just their host family — and while not every family adopts the child they host, many do.

While in the U.S., the children also often experience many firsts — first plane ride, first trip outside of Colombia, first time seeing snow or swimming in the ocean — and remember their visit for the rest of their lives. Their host parents gain the incredible opportunity to help a child find their permanent, loving adoptive family – and sometimes they become that family!

To learn more about the hosting program, email Kelsey Parsons, Colombia hosting coordinator, at [email protected].

Have access to Latinx cultural and language resources

The Colombian adoption authorities are deeply committed to the lifelong wellbeing of the children in their care. They celebrate American adoptive families who demonstrate connections to Colombia and/or Latinx culture, and have Spanish-language resources. Second to English, Spanish is the second most common language in the U.S. with over 41 million Americans speaking Spanish in the home (source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2019). Having access to bilingual educational as well as medical and therapeutic services across the U.S. is beneficial because language familiarity eases the child’s transition into their new family and culture and strengthens adoption outcomes. Being able to communicate in your adopted child’s first language will also promote bonding and support the overall adoption transition. Many prospective adoptive parents begin the adoption process without any Spanish-speaking ability and can achieve basic, conversational Spanish after a few months of tutoring!

Have experience parenting, caring for or working with children who have experienced loss

While we work with many different family types to help them adopt children of varying ages and needs from Colombia, most of the children awaiting adoption in Colombia are older. Many did not grow up in an institution and remember entering the protection system because their family was no longer able to adequately care for them. Losing connection to birth family is hard on a child no matter how it happens. Trusting that a new family will support, love and protect them takes time and support. Whether your family consists of a single parent, a same-sex couple, or a mom and a dad, having parenting or lived experience in supporting a child through adversity can provide valuable insight and preparation for older child adoption from Colombia.

smiling older brother with arms around smiling younger sister in a park

Adopt From Colombia

Many children in Colombia are waiting for a loving, permanent family.

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