Hi, I'm Kirin
I'm a girl, 1 year old and live in Thailand.
The mother knew HSF from an internet search and contacted HSF due to her unplanned pregnancy. It was pregnancy at an advanced age, so she didn’t have breast milk. Her family was also facing financial difficulties.The mother is 41 years old and originally from Ang Thong. The father is 41 years old and originally from Ayuthaya. They live together and have 4 children. Kirin is their 5th child. Previously, the father was an employee in an electric wire shop but had to leave his job due to health issues of Hepatitis B and biliary atresia, which forced him to stop working and resulted in a loss of income. The mother sought information and contacted HSF to request powdered milk support.Currently, the mother has sold grilled chicken with sticky rice, starting from 6 am until they are sold out. The sales are conducted using a mobile cart. Now, the father who is in the process of recovering helps in preparing the goods for selling. This small business has become the core family income.