Hi, I'm Anujin
I'm a girl, 10 years old and live in Mongolia.
Tarialan soum of Khuvsgul province is located 600 km away from Ulaanbaatar city and 200 km away from the center of Khuvsgul aimag. Even though Tarialan is the largest soum that has advance development of agriculture, there are number of social issues in relation with its large number of populations. Most households don’t have sustainable income source and majority of them have seasonal work based on environment and livestock farming. Parents look for a job but since it's the countryside they are unable to find a job.
She was healthy child during admitting the program.
Their family has 5 members. The mother stays home looking after her children because she doesn't have work. They also don't have their own place to live so they built a ger in their grandmother’s place and live by their grandmother’s money that is not enough for the family. The father has a seasonal job. The biggest son is a 4th grader, 1 of their child goes to kindergarten and the youngest one is 9 months old and other will be born in 2020 March. Sometimes they have days where they don't eat any food.