Hi, I'm Sansanaa
I'm a boy, 14 years old and live in Mongolia.
Tarialan soum of Khuvsgul province is located 600 km away from Ulaanbaatar city and 200 km away from the center of Khuvsgul aimag. Even though Tarialan is the largest soum that has advance development of agriculture, there are number of social issues in relation with its large number of populations. Most households don’t have sustainable income source and majority of them have seasonal work based on environment and livestock farming. The family live in the soum.
He was healthy during admitting the program.
This family has 6 members. In order to pay university tuition fee, they sold all their livestock. His father had an accident in 2018 and became immobilized. He needs continuous treatment. The father is immobilized and in-patient. The mother is unemployed and takes care of her husband and children. Eldest daughter of this family is a student graduate course. Youngest daughter is 7 years old. Family income consists of different types of welfare allowances such as disability allowance and child allowance. And they don’t have any other income source.