On This Page:
Foster Family/Caretaker Correspondence
Two weeks after your child arrives in the U.S., you are responsible for sending us a letter and 3 photos which we will forward to your child’s foster family or other caretakers.
Please mail printed photos so they can be easily delivered to the foster family.
Photo Submission Due Dates
- 2 weeks
Holt International Children’s Services
ATTN: Thailand Program
250 Country Club Rd
Eugene, OR 97401
Holt International Children’s Services
ATTN: Thailand Program
PO BOX 2880
Eugene, OR 97402
If you prefer, you may email your letter and photos. Be sure each photo is at least 200 KB in size for good printing quality. See photo guidelines below.
Holt International is happy to help you communicate with your child’s foster family thereafter as often as you would like.
Foster families really appreciate this! You may send us photos and letters or cards for translation. We will forward them to HSF on your behalf. You are welcome to communicate as often as you would like. We cannot accept packages or gifts due to international shipping costs and customs clearance. You may send us correspondence by email or mail it to one of the addresses above.
Photo Due Dates & Requirements for Post Placement Reports
After your child arrives in the U.S., you are responsible for sending 6 photos on the following PDF template at the specified due dates. Holt will add these photos to the corresponding report completed by your social worker. Sibling groups or multiples require separate reports and photos be submitted for each child.
Due dates are based upon the date of arrival in the United States. If your report photos will be delayed, please notify us so we can inform the proper officials. Please contact us for case-specific due dates or questions on the information and photos to provide. We are happy to help guide you.
Include a caption for all 6 photos on the form below. Provide details describing who, where and when, such as Aunt Mary with Tommy at the zoo on summer vacation. Please fill out the form carefully each time you submit photos on the specified due dates. Accurate information on adoptive parents and child allows us to successfully merge your photos with the report completed by your social worker.
Photo Template Due Dates
Photo Template
- 2 month
- 4 months
- 6 months
After printing the template below, tape printed glossy photos in each space and include a caption for each. Provide details describing who, where and when, such as Aunt Mary with Tommy at the zoo on summer vacation. Please fill out the form carefully each time you submit photos for your post adoption reports. Accurate information on adoptive parents and child allows us to successfully merge your photos with the report completed by your social worker.
Annual Self Report
Starting one year after date of arrival in the U.S. and again at the specified due dates, you are responsible for completing an Annual Self Report on behalf of your child. Each report requires 8 photos and information that assures overseas officials that your child is in a caring and nurturing home. See above guidance for types of photos to submit and not to submit.
To fulfill annual report requirements on the form below, include all information about your child’s development. Provide complete answers that can be formatted into a letter, with at least the minimum number of words required for each section.
8 photos must be submitted with the form (maximum size of 8 MB each) with a caption for each describing who, where and when details, such as Anna and Grandma playing checkers in our living room.
Click the Save button at bottom of form to avoid the possibility of losing any work. This creates a unique link you can return to when you’re ready to complete the form. Contact [email protected] if you need assistance.
Annual Self Report Due Dates
- Every year until your child turns 18
Annual Self Report Form
Permanent Case File Documents
After your child’s arrival to the U.S. please send copies of documents received overseas to secure in your permanent case file:
- U.S. Adoption Decree
Issued after re-finalization (IH-3 cases) - Registration of Adoption
This is issued upon your visit to a Thai consulate after receiving the Letter of Registration from Thailand. Required to be sent overseas. - Foreign Passport/US Visa
Provided to you overseas. We need copies of the photo/info page and U.S. visa page. - Overseas documents
We need copies of all documents your family received overseas, such as the Adoption Registration, Hague Certificate, Birth Certificate, Abandonment Certificate or any other legal documents provided.
Optional Documents for your Permanent Case File
Our post adoption services department receives thousands of inquiries from adoptive parents and adult adoptees requesting copies of their case file. You are welcome to submit documents for Holt to keep in your child’s case file. Most families find this is a helpful, safe and confidential way to keep a backup record in case of document loss, theft, fire, etc. If you would like to provide these documents at any point, feel free to email them to us.
- New State Birth Certificate
In most states, this document is only available after your child’s adoption is re-finalized or finalized in your local court. - Certificate of Citizenship
This is required to be sent overseas and should arrive 90 days after arrival home. - U.S. Passport
It is optional if you want us to add this to your file. Apply for a passport if you plan to travel outside the U.S. - Social Security Card
It is optional if you want to provide this document for your permanent file or not.
Contact us at [email protected] if you have further questions or if your case file has been closed.
Steps for Documentation of U.S. Citizenship
This applies to all families who have completed an adoption from Thailand. Because your child arrived on an IH-4 visa, he/she qualifies for automatic U.S. citizenship. Documentation steps in this process are outlined below.

Contact us at [email protected] if you have further questions.

Holt Adoptee Camps
A week adoptees will always remember! Make new friends, try new things and discuss issues unique to adoptees. Holt’s overnight camps are open to adoptees ages 9-17.