June and Gavin are waiting for an adoptive family! When asked how to describe June and Gavin, their caregivers say that they are sweet and diligent. These two siblings care very much for each other and have a good relationship.
June, the eldest, was born in 2003. She gets along well with the other children at the care center, and her caregivers say she is kind and well-behaved. June performs well in school, excelling in multiple subjects like history, geography and technology. She says she wants to study hard and become a successful teacher someday. June enjoys singing and dancing, and her favorite sport is volleyball! She likes helping with the younger children at the center and is a loving and attentive older sister to Gavin.
Gavin was born in 2008. Although he can be shy with new people, Gavin is described by his caregivers as charming and playful. He is very active and loves outdoor games like football and soccer! Gavin cares for his friends and dreams of being a police officer when he grows up. He has mild bilateral conductive hearing loss and currently attends speech and language therapy, where he is making good progress.
June and Gavin are in good health. They are familiar with adoption and have expressed a desire to be adopted into a loving family. The best fit for June and Gavin is a family with a good knowledge of older child adoption and access to excellent educational resources.
Could you or someone you know be the right family for June and Gavin?

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