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“I’m Deaf, But I Can Learn”

Holt donors gave Meaza the education she never thought possible!

In 2016, Meaza shared her story with visiting Holt staff. She said that sign language education opened up her world.

At 8 years old, Meaza had never gone to school. 

She was born deaf and didn’t know sign language — and had no way of learning it. That is, until Holt donors helped send Meaza to a special school for the deaf in her community!

“God helped me,” she said. “Otherwise I would have been left at home isolated.” God helped her, and used the generosity of our Holt donors to bring incredible change in her life!

“God helped me. Otherwise I would have been left at home isolated.”

Meaza, student at the school for the deaf

When Meaza first enrolled at the deaf school, she received free tuition, school supplies, daily school lunch, a medical examination and the critical sign language education she had been waiting for. 

Her life changed, and her world opened up. She’s had the chance to grow into all she was born to be! 

“Our child Meaza is an interactive, well-mannered, confident and energetic girl,” Meaza’s parents say. “She is happy because she has turned out to be a clever and thoughtful girl, even though she is deaf.” 

In this photo from 2022, Meaza is a confident and empowered young woman!

After going to the deaf school through grade 9, Meaza is now completing her education at the local public school. She is able to communicate with those around her, and she lives with confidence! 

After graduating, Meaza has big plans. 

“She dreams to become a medical doctor or special needs teacher, and envisions helping people with disabilities like her,” her Holt advocate says. “She also imagines taking part in volunteerism and work in community change and cultural norms around people living with disabilities.” 

Meaza’s life is full of possibilities, because of the generosity of people across the world!

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