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Achen, smiling, with her grandmother, after receiving food assistance in Uganda

Your gift fed a tiny, hungry baby in rural Uganda — and probably saved her life!

In Uganda, Holt case workers routinely go from village to village, checking in on families to make sure children are healthy and nourished.

But when they visited one rural village, they were saddened by what they saw. A sweet, tiny baby named Achen was dangerously underweight. She was being held and comforted by her grandmother, because her mom, Mukaasa, was sick in bed and unable to breastfeed her daughter.

Achen was 7 months old when we met her, and was unable to sit, crawl or hold a cup. She was crying and irritable, and her lips were cracked and bloodied.

To determine how malnourished Achen was, our team used a band, like a bracelet, to measure the circumference of her upper arm. The number was a frightening 9.5 centimeters. Achen was severely malnourished, and without urgent treatment, she might not have survived.

But thanks to you, Achen received critical childhood vaccines and emergency rations. Together, these actions gave her the vitamins and nutrition she desperately needed to stay alive.

You helped her mother, too, making sure she had the medicines she needed to regain her strength and care for her children.

The next time we visited Achen, she was putting on weight and much, much happier. Her upper arm was measured again, and it was a healthy 13 centimeters!

“My daughter and I have come a long way,” says Mukaasa. “If it hadn’t been for the support from Holt Uganda, we would be dead.”

Today, Achen is plump and and healthy, thanks to the formula you provided her! And thanks to your care and support, her mother is also happy and doing well!

Young girl with a furrowed brow sitting in her house

Feed a Hungry Child

Children are hungry because of skyrocketing food prices. But just $1.50 a day feeds a child who would otherwise go hungry.

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girls in yellow dresses in Uganda

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