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little girl wearing white cardigan sweater with heart graphic over face

Hadley Needs an Adoptive Family!

Ten-year-old Hadley is an energetic and spirited girl, waiting for a loving and secure family! She dreams of being a part of a close-knit family and being someone’s daughter.

little girl wearing white sweater and flowered dress sitting in chair with heart graphic over face

Hadley loves painting (especially outside!), dancing and riding her bike. Her caregivers say she is a bit of a “fashionista” and loves getting dressed up and putting on fashion shows with her friends. Hadley is very helpful and enjoys assisting her caregivers and other adults and is protective of younger children. She dreams of becoming a doctor and helping others when she grows up!

Hadley needs an adoptive family who understands or is willing to learn about the effects and impacts of developmental trauma and strategies for older child adoption. Hadley currently receives trauma-related counseling and speech therapy and is making good progress. Her adoptive family should also have access to excellent therapeutic and educational resources. 

Most of all, Hadley needs an adoptive family that will set healthy boundaries, show affection and love and support Hadley as she becomes her best self!

Hadley’s face is hidden here due to country restrictions on privacy. To see photos and learn more about Hadley, please email us at [email protected]!

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