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Dionis and Adam, Waiting Children, Brothers Bulgaria

Brothers Dionis and Adam are waiting for a family! Could you or someone you know be the right fit for them? They are strongly bonded to one another and dearly hope to be adopted together! Dionis and Adam have been waiting and wanting a secure and safe adoptive family for over 4 years. Throughout their ups and downs they have maintained a joyful, loving, and affectionate relationship with each other.

Dionis is 14 years old. He is full of respect, kindness, and dignity and his world is exciting and heroic. His favorite game to play is pretend cops. His favorite superheroes are Batman and Thor because they are leaders and helpers. Others describe Dionis’s superpower as being his passion to make his dreams come true. Dionis likes to help in the kitchen and dreams of being on a show like Hell’s Kitchen.

Adam is 12 years old. He is full of sweetness, jokes, and smiles, with an honesty and openness that cracks others up. Under his mischievous smile is a heart full of tenderness and in need of extra hugs. Adam’s caregivers call him the “King of Puzzles” because he enjoys them so much. He also loves being around other children and playing, especially soccer. When he grows up he wants to be a firefighter. He is afraid of thunder and seeks his big brother or caregivers out for comfort in times of distress.

Dionis and Adam have a strong connection to each other and enjoy playing with each other. They are each other’s best competitor and supporter. They both have positive relationships with caregivers/adults and are active, curious, and engaged in activities. Dionis and Adam are boys with superpowers and weakness, with big hopes and bold dreams for their futures. One of their hopes/dreams is to be together in a loving family.

Dionis and Adam need a loving, kind, and patient adoptive family with no younger children in the home. Ideal adoptive parents will have adequate time and resources to provide the boys with focused attention, as well as access to occupation, physical and speech therapy. TBRI® training will be important. To help them stay together, the boy’s partner agency has committed to a $6,000 grant to go toward their adoption fees.

If you think you could be the right family for Dionis and Adam, get in touch with our waiting child team at [email protected]!

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