Meet Dina! This loveable 3-year-old has Down syndrome and is waiting for a permanent, loving family.
Dina enjoys hugs and cuddles and her caregivers say she is active, happy, persistent and easy-going.
She attends school and her teacher enjoys having her in class. Her teacher says that Dina’s favorite activity at school is to play in the sand and with water. She is improving in her development and shows an interest in class activities, makes eye contact with the teacher and uses hand gestures to engage in activities.
An ideal adoptive family should have excellent pediatric medical resources to support Dina as she grows. She needs specialized educational support along with occupational and speech therapy. The ideal family will understand the lifelong impacts of Down syndrome and have plans for providing Dina with the life-long support and intervention she will need.
We have more information about Dina that we’d love to share with any prospective adoptive families. Email our waiting child team at [email protected] to learn more!

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