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Waiting Child Courtney cuddles octopus stuffed animal in bed

Courtney is waiting for a loving, permanent family! Could you or someone you know be the right family for her?

Courtney’s caregivers describe her as a little girl with the sweetest smile. She is six years old, and she enjoys playing with younger children and will gently touch their heads. She also enjoys hugging, body contact, and holding hands with caregivers.

Her favorite activities include body massage, body brushing, swings, and merry-go-round rides. She enjoys playing with wheels and repeatedly pressing toy buttons with sound and lights. Courtney also enjoys looking in the mirror. She was delighted to see herself dressed up in a princess dress!

Courtney loves to eat and can feed herself. She has a hearty appetite and will eat most things, though she is selective when eating fruit. For example, she doesn’t like oranges or dragon fruit.

Courtney is developmentally behind her peers, but she is also making steady progress in her milestones. Courtney has been diagnosed with autism and developmental delays. She loves receiving encouragement when completing a task. With treatment and physical therapy she is making good strides in her mobile development. She is a quiet child and doesn’t express her needs often. She communicates through cooing sounds, not words. Courtney is still working on her potty-training. Courtney needs a family who will be patient and help her learn to express herself, who also has good access to medical care like physical and speech therapy.

Courtney had been prepared for an adoption that, unfortunately, was not completed. She is very enthusiastic about the idea of an adoptive family, and showed great enthusiasm about seeing photos of them. She would be so excited to have another prospective adoptive family to get to know. Could you be that special family? If so, please email our waiting child team at [email protected].

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