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Chinese adoptee smiling in the snow

Chinese adoptee Xin Mathia shares a video he created about his life.

Ten years ago, in the fall of 2012, a boy named Xin joined an adoptive family in the U.S. He was born in a northern province of China without ear canals due to a condition called “hemifacial microsomia.” Xin spent the first 9 years of his life in an orphanage, and due to his condition, he couldn’t hear. He had never received hearing aids and had never been taught sign language. During the adoption process, specialists told his family that he may never learn how to communicate through language.

“Thankfully,” his mom, Kristi, says, “he has surpassed those expectations.”

Xin will be 19 in June, and he has overcome countless barriers to become the thriving young man he is today. In the U.S., he received nine surgeries to help with his hearing. Although he still struggles with language, he did learn how to communicate through words and signs. He is an athlete and an Eagle Scout. He has the love of many friends. Most of all, he belongs to a family that loves and adores him.  

“He has been our pride and joy!” shares Kristi. “Watching him become a young man will always be one of the greatest blessings of my life.”

Xin recently created a video of his life for a school project, and he gave us permission to share it.

Read a story Xin’s mom, Kristi, wrote about her family’s experience adopting an older child. Or visit our waiting child photolisting to learn about older kids who need families!

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