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Tackling Tough Adoption Talks

An Informational Webinar

WHEN: July 8, 2014.  7pm CT

Talking to your child about adoption can be joyful…and sometimes difficult.  You may not have all of the information she wants, some details may be tough to hear, or your child just may not want to talk about it.  But talking, even about the touch stuff, is an essential part of what adopted kids need from their parents.

Learn from an expert

Join Jayne Schooler for great tips on how to tackle tough talks when:

  • Kids don’t want to talk.
  • Siblings have different stories and different available information.
  • You’re not sure of the answers.

Insight from an adopted person

Jayne will be joined by Carmen Knight who was adopted international.  Carmen will give real life examples of how her parents incorporated adoption into her life – even when it wasn’t an easy task.

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