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Meet Hugh! This loving 3-year-old is waiting for a permanent, loving family. Could you or someone you know be the right family for Hugh?

Hugh is said to be a sweet, shy little boy. He has shown stable attachment to his nanny and will give hugs openly. His caregiver said he enjoys playing chase with her. Hugh participates in daily therapy to aid in his development. He can recognize his name when it’s written, and he will respond when someone calls his name. His report says he can speak several different words. He still has difficulty expressing rejection verbally and instead pushes away unwanted items with his hands.

Hugh’s ideal adoptive family should be able to access occupational and physical therapies as well as educational and speech services for Hugh. His family needs to understand the ongoing support and resources required to help someone on the autism spectrum reach their potential.

If you think you or someone you know could be the right family for Hugh, please email our waiting child team at [email protected]! We cannot share photos of him publicly due to country restrictions on privacy. However, we do have more photos and videos available to share with prospective families.

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